Welcome to NAD

Location:     Projects: Website Activities:


Hello from Mr. Zorin, President of NAD. Great is it! Welcome to our NAD’s new website!

Why is the complete rennovation of NAD website necessary? As the technology is advancing so NAD’s way of spreading the news is also changing. It will have videos (acts), subtitles, advocacy, news, inspiring skits and other related things in Sign Language. Some of the deaf people who is not able to read English, can benefit from Sign Language via video and hearing people can read the subtitles and learn ISL as well.

The whole of India, in fact the world will watch and get inspired and be proud of the deaf. 

On top of that, the website is developed by the deaf professional with the knowledge and skills in Information Technology. He is Mr. Aqil Chinoy and I welcome him for guidance on website!

Hello from Mr. Aqil Chinoy, Founder & CEO of inspiralive! This is new NAD website that was planned with goal of providing full Accessibility for the deaf. The home page of the website will have important news, in the first three rows.

The NAD website has different categories. The first one is "Projects", second one is "Activities" and third one is "Media". We have same links of these categories in the top Navigation bar.

In Projects, we have different topics of NAD's different works, advocacy and other processes. In Activities, we see Meetings, Workshops, Dharnas and more. The Media category includes Documents to download, Photo Gallery and Newspapers / Publications of different news for spreading awareness. If you want to know more about NAD in depth, its team, history then you can see them under "About Us".

Now, lets talk about one Project. Thinking, I'll pick any one. Click "Project" in Navigation Bar. Looking through, I choose Indian Sign Language Research and Training Centre. Once you click and open this page, you will see a summary story with video of ISL side by side with text. Next, we come to the history of various activities. You will see that they are organised date-wise.

If you like, at your choice, pick one row of activity. It will expand to show the story article plus ISL video and different photos in gallery. If you click on a photo, it will zoom and you can flip through photos.

Great, it is? I hope that you will surf and benefit a lot from learning and awareness. I hope you will enjoy reading. Thank you!







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Website developed by   inspiralive